Friday 28 September 2012

tugu khatulistiwa

Tugu Khatulistiwa atau Equator Monument berada di Jalan Khatulistiwa, Pontianak Utara, Propinsi Kalimantan Barat. Lokasinya berada sekitar 3 km dari pusat Kota Pontianak, ke arah kota Mempawah.
Tugu ini menjadi salah satu ikon wisata Kota Pontianak dan selalu dikunjungi masyarakat, khususnya wisatawan yang datang ke Kota Pontianak.
Sejarah mengenai pembangunan tugu ini dapat dibaca pada catatan yang terdapat di dalam gedung.

Catatan pada Tugu Khatulistiwa
Dalam catatan tersebut disebutkan bahwa : Berdasarkan catatan yang diperoleh pada tahun 1941 dari V. en. W oleh Opzichter Wiese dikutip dari Bijdragen tot de geographie dari Chef Van den topographischen dienst in Nederlandsch- IndiĆ« : Den 31 sten Maart 1928 telah datang di Pontianak satu ekspedisi Internasional yang dipimpin oleh seorang ahli Geografi berkebangsaan Belanda untuk menentukan titik/tonggak garis equator di kota Pontianak dengan konstruksi sebagai berikut :
a. Tugu pertama dibangun tahun 1928 berbentuk tonggak dengan anak panah.
b. Tahun 1930 disempurnakan, berbentuk tonggak dengan lingkarang dan anak panah.
c. Tahun 1938 dibangun kembali dengan penyempurnaan oleh opzicter / architech Silaban. Tugu asli tersebut dapat dilihat pada bagian dalam.
d. Tahun tahun 1990, kembali Tugu Khatulistiwa tersebut direnovasi dengan pembuatan kubah untuk melindungi tugu asli serta pembuatan duplikat tugu dengan ukuran lima kali lebih besar dari tugu yang aslinya. Peresmiannya pada tanggal 21 September 1991.
Tugu.khatulistiwa 2aa.jpg

Foto Tugu Khatulistiwa padazaman kolonial Belanda.
Bangunan tugu terdiri dari 4 buah tonggak kayu belian (kayu besi), masing-masing berdiameter 0,30 meter, dengan ketinggian tonggak bagian depan sebanyak dua buah setinggi 3,05 meter dan tonggak bagian belakang tempat lingkaran dan anak panah penunjuk arah setinggi 4,40 meter.
Diameter lingkaran yang ditengahnya terdapat tulisan EVENAAR sepanjang 2,11 meter. Panjang penunjuk arah 2,15 meter.
Tulisan plat di bawah anak panah tertera 109o 20' OLvGr menunjukkan letak berdirinya tugu khatulistiwa pada garis Bujur Timur.
Pada bulan Maret 2005, Tim Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) melakukan koreksi untuk menentukan lokasi titik nol garis khatulistiwa di Kota Pontianak. Koreksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan gabungan metoda terestrial dan ekstraterestrial yaitu menggunakan global positioning system (GPS) dan stake-out titik nol garis khatulistiwa dikoreksi
Hasil pengukuran oleh tim BPPT, menunjukkan, posisi tepat Tugu Khatulistiwa saat ini berada pada 0 derajat, 0 menit, 3,809 detik lintang utara; dan, 109 derajat, 19 menit, 19,9 detik bujur timur
Sementara, posisi 0 derajat, 0 menit dan 0 detik ternyata melewati taman atau tepatnya 117 meter ke arah Sungai Kapuas dari arah tugu saat ini. Di tempat itulah kini dibangun patok baru yang masih terbuat dari pipa PVC dan belahan garis barat-timur ditandai dengan tali rafia.
Mengenai posisi yang tertera dalam tugu (0 derajat, 0 menit dan 0 detik lintang, 109 derajat 20 menit, 0 detik bujur timur), berdasarkan hasil pelacakan tim BPPT, titik itu terletak 1,2 km dari Tugu Khatulistiwa, tepatnya di belakang sebuah rumah di Jl Sungai Selamat, kelurahan Siantan Hilir.
Peristiwa penting dan menakjubkan di sekitar Tugu Khatulistiwa adalah saat terjadinya titik kulminasi matahari, yakni fenomena alam ketika Matahari tepat berada di garis khatulistiwa. Pada saat itu posisi matahari akan tepat berada diatas kepala sehingga menghilangkan semua bayangan benda-benda dipermukaan bumi. Pada peristiwa kulminasi tersebut, bayangan tugu akan "menghilang" beberapa detik saat diterpa sinar Matahari. Demikian juga dengan bayangan benda-benda lain disekitar tugu.
Peristiwa titik kulminasi Matahari itu terjadi setahun dua kali, yakni antara tanggal 21-23 Maret dan 21-23 September. Peristiwa alam ini menjadi event tahunan kota Pontianak yang menarik kedatangan wisatawan .

Thursday 15 March 2012

interesting experience

among the interesting experience of the time history of the palace tour amantubillah PunBB, there you get a lot of historical knowledge, ranging from the royal lineage, the myth of the cannon, relics, like a dagger, bedding, clothes, and much more.

when I see pictures of the royal peninggala I felt something weird, but I do not know what it is, in the photo I saw one of my king and his face was misteriuss really see, there I pokonya mendaptkan many irregularities but strangely I did not clearly know what it tuk me feel all that there is more mysterious Anel again when I was all my friend did not feel the strangeness, awalanya heck I felt maybe I was wrong but over time I feel afraid semakn and all that I see as if mysterious, when I was there pictures of all the picture is dark but I have other friends that are apling dark ndax strange that I think even one of the photos I have a strange friend, who face no scar, but the picture is no scar .

activities that I enjoy

activities that I enjoy is the Nanton tv, fb's, sleep, do crossword puzzles, play games, and msih much more.

I think if the benefit itself almost all the activities that I do not have manfaatya

actually, I want to do something more useful but I do not know what should I do, I do not feel bored aagar that pass a lot of free time.

Kalbar legend

History Commander Bird
In the Dayak community, there are believed to have a creature that was mentioned is very great, magic, knights, and authoritative. The figure is said to inhabit the mountains in the interior of Borneo, in contact with the supernatural. Spiritual leaders, warlords, teachers, and elders are revered. Dayak is the warlords, Commander Bird, called by the Dayak hinterland Pangkalima
There are countless versions of the story about this figure, especially after his name stuck out during the riots Sambas and Sampit. Some say he has lived for hundreds of years and lived on the border between West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. There is also news of a tangible occult Commander Bird-shaped and can be male or female depending on the situation. Also on the figure of a bird Commander Dayak community leaders who have gone, but his spirit may be to communicate through a ritual. Up to a story that says he is the embodiment of the hornbill, a bird that is considered sacred and holy in Borneo
In addition to the many versions of the story, at the corner of Borneo there are also many people who claim to be Commander of the bird, whether in Tarakan, Sampit, or Pontianak. But any claim that only believed in three different ways: some believe, some do not believe, and there is a hesitation. There is no authentic evidence to ensure one of them is really the true Commander Bird
There are so many outstanding issues and stories, but there is one version which I think is very suitable to describe what and who it Penglima Bird. He is a figure depicting the Dayak people in general. Commander of the Bird is the symbol of the Dayak people. Whether it's nature, actions, and everything about him
So how does a Commander Bird, how he could represent the Dayak? In addition to powerful and invulnerable, Commander Bird also is a figure of calm, quiet, patient, and do not like making trouble. This corresponds to the typical Dayak people who are also friendly and patient, and sometimes shy. Quite difficult to persuade people to want to photograph the interior Dayak, sometimes have to deliver in return for a cigarette
And the reality on the ground breaking all the stereotypes of Dayak people as a cruel, vicious, and violent. In the life of the Dayak people can be fairly shy, still receive the newcomers with a good, and always preserving the integrity of the ancestral heritage of both religious and ritual. As Penglima birds inhabit the patient and remain calm inland Dayak community too much to budge when the loggers and gold miners into their territory. Although still firmly holds the teachings of the ancestors, there was never a conflict when there are community members who turned to the religions brought by the newcomers. Boisterous no tension in the room turned into a sphere - that the people called Danum Dayak Ngaju Kaharingan yet
Simplicity was identical to the figure of Commander Bird. Although an eminent figure, he does not reside in a palace or a luxurious building. He hid and meditated in the mountains and with nature. Inland Dayak community has never concerned with par value of money. The newcomers could easily berbarter goods such as coffee, salt, or a cigarette with their
Bird told the commander rarely shows itself, because it is not like the show of strength. Likewise Dayak people, who do not haphazardly go into town carrying a saber, chopsticks, or arrows. These weapons are generally used for hunting in the forest, and the saber was not removed from the tainted (sarongs) if no subject is important or urgent
So where is the culture of violence and fury of the Dayaks that was widely talked about and feared it? There is one thing to Commander Bird down the mountain, when after patient and persistent patience was exhausted. Commander of the birds is a very patient person, but if the limit of patience had crossed the line, would be another matter. He will turn into a pemurka. This is really a perfect depiction of the Dayak people are friendly, shy, and patient, but will be turned into a very vicious and cruel if it is his patience has run out
Commander of an angry bird will soon come down the mountain and gather his forces. Ritual - which in the West Kalimankan called Red Bowl - made to collect from saentero Borneo Dayak warriors. Bersahut war dances-replication, saber firmly attached to the waist. Those people had a very good will look hideous. Smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a malignant eye like hypnotized. They are ready for war, headhunting - and bring the enemy's head cut off. This is what happened in the town of Sampit few years ago, when decapitation occurs everywhere almost in every corner of the city
Though cruel and ferocious in anger, as well as Bird Penglima Dayak people clung to the norms and rules which they believe. Among others, it does not pollute the sanctity of places of worship - any religion - with damaging or killing in it. Because the Dayak community violence are placed as the last option, when patience has run out and the way of peace could not be reached again, it's in their point of view. Murder, and headhunting activities, in their little hearts could not be done, but because it forced into a last resort and to change what they think is wrong, it had to be done. This culture of violence that actually be feared that
Mystique is very identical to the Dayak people. Fierce and cruel stereotypes still attached. It was not all good, because there are many shortcomings and mistakes. What's more violence, any form and the reason - whether it's revenge, economic, social, etc. - but it still not be justified. Eye for an eye will only lead to blindness for everything. Apart from all kinds of legends and myths, or at least real figures, Commander Bird for me is a symbol of the true figure of the Dayak


sights I have ever visited in the tour include the archipelago, a long sand beach, ocean beaches, beaches gravestone. pokonye almost all the beaches I've visited in West Kalimantan because I loved the beach.

my hobby

hobby I was watching tv, shopping, then maen feather badminton tangkis.kalau maen anyway just beginning a long love-love but I feel it hoi kelamaaan because if I have free time I often splurging badminton maen time, if the benefit itself when watching tv may not be useful because I was nyadar only waste time in vain, but I own Ivy why I loved the movie, continue shopping, if the problem even as a day of shopping at home but I pass no money lah.

perhaps of all the hobbies I just maen badminton there is no benefit of which can nourish the body, muscles become tense and ndax still much that is useful for health.

but least of all hobby I still yanf useful.
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