Friday, 16 December 2011

analitical exposition and hortatory exposition

                                ANALITICAL EXPOSITION

purpuse: to reveal the readers that something is the importent case
Generic Structure:
Dominant Language Features
 1.Using modals
 2.Using action verbs
 3.Using thingking verbs
 4.Using  adverbs
 5.Using adjective
 6.Using technic alterms
 7.Using general and abstrac noun
 8.Using connectives/transition

The Dangerous of Using Drugs

Everybody must pay attention of drugs. Drugs are very dangerous for us. Why it is very dangerous for us? Because its can caused harm to our body.

In terms of health, many organs in our body can be harm because using drug. In general, the impact of using drug are can unconscious, make us hallucinate, can harm our nerve, and cause addictive effect. Beside that, using drugs can make the users depressed, liver disease, schizophrenia, blockage of blood vessels, dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain damage, and finally it can cause DEATH!

When viewed in terms of Islamic law, drugs are forbidden. Because it is cause badness, self harm, debilitate. And Islam proscribes all that can cause badness, self harm because it is included zhalim. Also if we using drugs, it means we already do the forbidden things in Islam, it means we sin. So, in terms of Islamic law, using drugs also dangerous.

Furthermore, if the users of drugs are teenagers, it can endanger their future, and endanger their homeland, their country. From the data, 32 percent of drugs users in Indonesia are teenagers, so, if many teenagers –in this case Indonesia- use drugs, it can be endanger this country, harm youth generation, whereas youths are nation expectation. If the youth using drugs, our nation can be destroy!

So, from now on we must pay attention of drugs, because it’s very dangerous, both in terms of health, religion (Islam), nationality and state.
                                 HORTATORY EXPOSITION

Purpose: to persuade the readers that something should not be the case or be done
Generic Structure:
 1. Using simple present tens
 2.Using modals
 3.Using action verbs

 4.Using thingking verbs

 5.Using  adverbs

 6.Using adjective

 7.Using technic alterms

 8.Using general and abstrac noun

 9.Using connectives/transition

Watch your Kids While Watching TV
Television becomes one of the most important devices which takes place in almost houses. It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them. However, is it important to know what your kids are watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely "Yes" and that should be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to protect the children from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so on.
Recently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or at bedtime often cause bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.
Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of being aggressive.
Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.
Considering some facts mentioning above, protect your children with the following tips:
  • Limit television viewing to one-two hours each day
  • Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their own bedrooms
  • Review the rating of TV shows which your children watch
  • Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening in the show

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

lucu banget

Logat betawi

Agus dan aktor adalah dua sahabat dari satu desa di Yogyakarta. Sudah dua tahun dia merantau dan akhirnya berhasil menjadi seorang aktor. ketika pulang, sang ayah yang sudah tak sabar menyambut kedatangannya bertanya, “Bagaimana kamu di Jakarta nak?”
Agus menjawab, “Senang Beh!”
“Kamu kerja apa di Jakarta?” tanya ayah
“Banyak beh….yaah, jadi guru agama, pembina iman.Yaahh pokoknya banyak deh Beh!” begitu jawab Agus dengan logat betawi.
“Kalo begitu, nanti malam sebelum makan kamu pimpin doa ya!” pinta sang ayah
Pada saat makan malam, Agus pun berdoa, begini doanya:
” Babe gue yang ade di surge, surge lu punye, bumi lu punye.Punye gue semua dari lu.Gue gak punye ape-ape.Tapi nggak apalah, amin ye!”

Friday, 18 November 2011

kata mutiara

Sesungguhnya sebagian perkataan itu ada yang lebih keras dari batu, lebih tajam dari tusukan jarum, lebih pahit daripada jadam dan lebih panas daripada bara.
Sesungguhnya hati adalah ladang, maka tanamlah ia dengan perkataan yang baik, karena jika tidak tumbuh semuanya (perkataan yang tidak baik) niscaya tumbuh sebagiannya

Sunday, 13 November 2011

tugu khatulistiwa

Peristiwa yang paling menakjubkan di sekitar Tugu Khatulistiwa adalah saat terjadi kulminasi, yakni Matahari tepat berada di garis khatulistiwa. Pada saat itu bayangan tugu "menghilang" beberapa detik, meskipun diterpa sinar Matahari. Kita yang berdiri di sekitar tugu juga akan hilang bayangannya selama beberapa saat.

Titik kulminasi Matahari itu terjadi setahun dua kali, yakni antara tanggal 21-23 Maret dan 21-23 September. Bagi masyarakat Kalbar, peristiwa alam ini menjadi tontonan menarik sehingga menjelang kulminasi Matahari.
LANTAS, bagaimana garis nol derajat itu bisa ditemukan di Kota Pontianak? Berdasarkan catatan yang diperoleh pada tahun 1941, disebutkan bahwa pada 31 Maret 1928 telah datang di Pontianak satu ekspedisi internasional yang dipimpin seorang ahli geografi berkebangsaan Belanda. Ekspedisi ini melakukan perjalanan ke Kota Pontianak untuk menentukan titik/ tonggak garis ekuator.

Pada tahun 1928 itu tugu pertama yang mereka bangun baru berbentuk tonggak tanda panah. Tonggak itu kemudian disempurnakan tahun 1930. Selain di atasnya ada tanda panah, juga ada lingkaran. Setelah itu, arsitek Silaban pada tahun 1938 melakukan penyempurnaan dan membangun tugu yang baru.
Tugu inilah yang kemudian bentuknya sangat terkenal di dunia. Bangunan itu terdiri dari empat buah tonggak atau tiang dari kayu belian atau kayu ulin (kayu langka khas Kalimantan). Masing-masing tonggak berdiameter 0,30 meter. Dua tonggak bagian depan tingginya 3,05 meter dari permukaan tanah, sedangkan dua tonggak bagian belakang, tempat lingkaran dan anak panah penunjuk arah, tingginya 4,40 meter
Adapun diameter lingkaran yang bertuliskan "EUENAAR" 2,11 meter. Panjang panah yang menunjuk arah lingkaran ekuator adalah 2,15 meter. Di bawah panah terdapat tulisan "109 derajat 20’0"OlvG" yang menunjukkan letak tugu itu berdiri pada garis bujur timur. Setiap terjadi titik kulminasi, bayangan tugu dan benda-benda lain di sekitarnya menghilang beberapa saat. Ini menandakan bahwa tugu ini benar-benar berada di garis lintang nol derajat
Pada tahun 1990 kawasan tugu itu direnovasi dengan pembuatan kubah untuk melindungi tugu yang asli. Di atas kubah dibuat duplikat tugu dengan ukuran lima kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan tugu yang aslinya. Peresmian bangunan ini dilakukan 21 September 1991. Untuk memperindahnya, juga telah dibuat kawasan pertamanan hingga ke pinggir Sungai Kapuas.
Kini tugu itu sudah berusia 75 tahun. Selama kurun waktu itulah Kota Pontianak menjadi salah satu kota yang terkenal di dunia sebagai kota khatulistiwa. Daya tarik tugu tidak terletak pada sisi komersialnya, tetapi justru pada upaya penataan agar serasi dengan alam dan kelestarian Sungai Kapuas. Tugu Khatulistiwa dan Sungai Kapuas adalah ikon pariwisata Kalimantan Barat.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

past continuous tense


-The cat was sleeping on the sofa.
-I was eating the dinner when someone knocked at the door.
-While he was watching TV, I was working hard.
-I was wondering if you could help me.
-They were learning in the classroom when I came
Past Continuous Tense
digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang SEDANG TERJADI juga, tetapi sedang terjadi sekarang, melainkan sedang terjadi tetapi DULU, tetapi sudah lewat. Loh sedang kok lewat? bukannya sedang itu artinya masa kini alias sekarang?. Oh ada juga sedang dulu. Mari kita bahas tuntas.
-They were learning in the classroom when I came

Friday, 28 October 2011

kata mutiara

orang gagal mencari alasan untuk berhenti.orang sukses berhenti mencari alasan

kata mutiara

kebahagiaan itu bukan terletak ada seberapa banyak yang kita miliki namun terletak pada seberapa mampu kita untuk merasa cukup dan mensyukuri semua yang telah kita miliki

Monday, 24 October 2011


Love poems

Segurat sad face ... A strand of melancholy poem ...

A piece of liver wrapped in longing ..

Hadirmu miss, miss your smile ..

God in Heaven .. Trimakasih tlah You Send

He was a very meaningful

for my life

He was a rainbow of my heart, paint my day ...

Hope chest piece to remain there, never gone

Now ... later ... and of all time.


Puisi Rindu
Segurat wajah sendu... Seuntai syair pilu...
Sepotong hati yang berbalut rindu..
Rindukan hadirmu, rindukan senyummu..
Tuhan di Surga.. trimakasih tlah kau Kirim
Dia yang sangat berarti
Untuk hidupku
Dia pelangi hatiku, warnai hariku...
Sepotong asa didada untuk tetap ada, takkan sirna
Kini... nanti... dan sepanjang masa.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

the legend malawen lake

ONCE upon a time there was a husband and wife who lived near the jungle. They were very poor. They did not have any children yet. Every day they prayed to god to give them a child. One night the wife had a dream. An old man came to her and told her that she and her husband had to meditate for 100 days in the jungle. The wife told her husband about her dream. They hoped it was a sign from god to give them a child.

Later they went to the jungle. After spending for 100 days, they went home. And it was true! Not long after that the wife was pregnant. And nine months later the baby boy was born. The named him Kumbang Banaung.

Kumbang grew as a handsome and strong young man. However he was not obedient. He never listened to his parents' advice. And it happened again when he wanted to hunt in the jungle. It was already dark and his parents asked him to wait until morning. But Kumbang ignored it. He insisted to go to the jungle to hunt.

His parents could not do anything. His father gave Kumbang a magic plate. The plate could help him in a difficult situation. After he received the plate, Kumbang went to the jungle.

It was dark and Kumbang could not see clearly. And he had to face the worst risk. He was lost! He kept on walking and finally he crossed the jungle. He arrived in a village. there was a party. Kumbang saw a very beautiful girl. He came to her and introduced himself.

The girl's name was Intan. her father was the head of the village. The party was her birthday party. Kumbang fell in love with her. And after the party was over, everybody went home. Kumbang also wanted to go home. He tried to memorized the way to go home. He was lucky. He could go back home. He arrived in the morning. His parents were so worried. Kumbang did not tell them about his experience. He planned to visit Intan again. And after his parents slept, he left the house.

Kumbang met Intan again. She was happy to see Kumbang. She also loved him. They continued to see each other in the following nights. And it made the villagers restless.

They did not like to see what Kumbang and Intan were doing every night. The villagers told the head of the village to do something. Intan's father had an idea. He came to a rich merchant and asked him to marry his son with Intan. The merchant agreed.

The head of the village told Intan that she would get married soon. Intan was so sad. She told Kumbang to propose her soon. Kumbang immediately told his parents. However they did not agree. They were poor and they thought it was not appropriate for him to propose a rich girl. Kumbang was so angry. He left the house. And he also brought the magic plate.

When he met Intan, Kumbang asked her to run away. And while they were leaving the village, some villagers saw them. They tried to stop the couple. Kumbang and Intan were running. They kept on running and finally they were at the side of a river. They had to cross the river but there was no sampan. Kumbang then remembered about his magic plate. He threw the magic plate to the river.

Amazingly, the plate grew bigger. He asked Intan to get on the plate. They used it as a sampan. While they were crossing the river, suddenly rain fell down heavily. There was a big storm. Heavy wind blew them upside down and finally they were drowning.

Slowly the river changed into a lake. People named the lake as Malawen Lake. People also believed that Kumbang and Intan changed as white crocodiles. They stayed in the lake. Up to now people still believe that the white crocodiles still live in the lake. ***

Friday, 30 September 2011

setetes cinta

 matahari mulai memancarkan sinarnya dan pelangi mulai menghiasi harinya dengan warna yang begitu indah, ketika ia mulai bisa tersenyum dan pelahan keluar dari tetesan air matanya.air mata yang dulu selalu bersamanya air mata yang dulu selalu membuatnya kecewa tapi kini air mata itu mulai pergi dan kini hanya senyuman di wajahnya karena sosoknya tlah mampu menjadi pelita meskipun tak seterang sang mentari.ternyata hidup itu tak selamanya indah terkadang ada saar yang mendown kan kita.jadi jangan pernah menganggap hati ini kita bahagia karna hari itu yang spesial tapi hati itu menjadi indah karena kita yang selau bahagia menjalaninya.
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